
Muv luv translation word count
Muv luv translation word count

muv luv translation word count

Azriel is the Archangel of Death in Islamic tradition.Duma in the Swahili language, which is spoken in Africa, means Cheetah.Unit patch for all personnel assigned to Project PROMINENCE. 1.2.8 Eastern European Socialist AllianceĬolonel Claus Hartwick, project leader.Colonel Claus Hartwick.1.2.2 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.Notable members include US Army 2 nd Lieutenant Yuuya Bridges, a graduate of the TOPGUN Surface Pilot training program, Royal Guards Lieutenant Takamura Yui, a pilot from Imperial Japan placed in charge of spearheading the development of their next-generation frontline unit, and Inia Sestina and Cryska Barchenowa, Soviet espers from Alternative III that were assigned to the base as TSF test pilots. Their main R&D headquarters is located in Alaska, Yukon Base, with Colonel Klaus Haltwick as the chief supervisor. The project, as well as its assets, whether permanent or on loan, are commanded by the United Nations' Operation Test and Evaluation Command. The Advanced Tactical Surface Fighter/Technology And Research Project (popularly known as Project Prominence) is an international pilot corps of TSF pilots assembled at the United Nations' Yukon Base in Alaska, their primary purpose being to test-pilot several different TSFs outfitted with upgraded or pioneer technology to determine their usefulness in the 30-year war against the BETA, and also as an example of international cooperation in TSF technology development.

Muv luv translation word count